Rowan Mitchell is an online dating expert and writer who specializes in reviews of popular dating sites and apps. She has been writing about the world of online romance for over five years, helping people find their perfect match through her insightful advice. A graduate from New York University with a degree in Communications, Rowan always had a passion for connecting people together. During college she wrote articles on relationships which were published by various magazines across the country; this was when she first realized that it could be more than just a hobby but rather something to pursue professionally as well! After graduating university, Rowan started working full-time as an editor at one of the most prominent digital publications focusing on love & relationships – making sure all content related to finding true love was accurate and up-to-date with modern trends within society today. This experience gave her insight into how technology can help us make connections easier while also allowing her to gain knowledge about what works best when looking for potential partners online or via app platforms such as Tinder or Bumble etc… Her success led to many opportunities including being featured in major newspapers around North America where she discussed topics ranging from navigating difficult conversations during early stages of courtship right down tips & tricks used by seasoned veterans alike - both men & women - seeking out their soulmate using these services available nowadays! With each article written came another step closer towards becoming renowned amongst peers throughout industry circles leading eventually into starting own business: offering consultancy services tailored specifically towards those struggling meet someone special without having go through any hassle along way...and thus began journey become premier authority field Online Dating Advice/Reviews!